The Sales Centre Blog

9 Sales Trends You Need to Know for 2023

Written by The Sales Centre | Nov 21, 2022 2:12:31 PM

Sales is a constantly evolving field, and 2023 is no exception. If you want to stay ahead of the competition, it's important to be aware of the latest sales trends - after all, those who adapt quickest are usually the ones who come out on top. So without further ado, here are nine sales trends that you need to know for 2023.

1. Demos need to sell the problem, not the solution.
2. The sales process will require more touchpoints.
3. Freemium will kick-start the sales conversation.
4. Existing customers will take priority over new ones.
5. The hierarchical nature of sales will flatten.
6. Personalization is critical for success.
7. Specialization in vertical markets.
8. Sales culture will become a top priority.
9. Calling through your CRM.


1. Demos Need to Sell the Problem, Not the Solution

Gone are the days of simply pitching a product or service and expecting customers to leap at it. Today's sales process requires more finesse - demos need to focus on selling the problem that needs solving, not just the solution. Positioning yourself as an expert in your field allows you to offer solutions that customers may not even have thought of yet.

2. The Sales Process Will Require More Touchpoints

Customers expect more personalized attention than ever before, and this means that sales reps need to be prepared for multiple touchpoints throughout the customer journey. From pre-sales calls to post-sales follow-ups, having an engaging presence along every step of the process is key to converting leads into customers.

3. Freemium Will Kick-Start the Sales Conversation

Free plans, trials and samples are becoming increasingly popular as a way to get customers in the door - and for good reason. By offering potential customers something at no cost, you can start conversations that otherwise would have been impossible. Once they see how great your product or service is, they may be more likely to convert into paying customers.

4. Existing Customers Will Take Priority Over New Ones

Your existing customer base can be a goldmine of opportunities - after all, they already know and trust your brand! Nurturing relationships with existing customers should be a top priority in 2023, so don't forget to continue providing them with impeccable service.

5. The Hierarchical Nature of Sales Will Flatten

Gone are the days of a strictly hierarchical sales structure - instead of having one person at the top and everyone else following, there should be more collaboration between sales reps and other departments. This means that everyone needs to be on the same page when it comes to understanding customer needs, expectations, and behaviors.

6. Personalization Is Critical for Success

As mentioned before, customers expect more personalized attention than ever before. To meet these demands, companies need to invest in better ways to personalize their conversations with customers - this could mean leveraging AI-driven chatbots or implementing targeted email campaigns based on customer interests.

7. Specialization in Vertical Markets

With so many different types of customers, companies should be specialized in a particular vertical market. This allows sales reps to become experts on the industry and understand customer needs better, leading to more successful sales conversations.

8. Sales Culture Will Become a Top Priority

Companies need to take their sales culture seriously if they want to stay competitive - this means investing in training programs, providing great incentives for success, and creating a work environment that encourages collaboration and creativity.

9. Calling Through Your CRM

Finally, companies should look into ways to streamline the sales process by using their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system as an all-in-one hub for calling. By integrating CRM with phone systems, companies can make the process of calling potential customers faster and more efficient.

As you can see, the sales landscape is constantly changing - and 2023 is no different. Keeping an eye out for these nine trends will help you stay ahead of the curve and be ready to tackle any challenge that may come your way!